Bravenet Guestbook

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Click here to visit the Church of Scotland Mission Site that I created

help others page
Christian intro pagetestimony page
resources page
baptism pagemission page
church page

Help Others

I urge you to spend some time trying out the links below, and you can be sure that you will be helping many good causes. All the sites below come under the category of "Click to Donate". This means that large companies pay for each visit made by someone who clicks on the links. You do not have to pay a thing!

  • Free - A free donations portal for helping the environment, hunger, arts, homelessness and much more. You can click as many times as you like on each button and view the daily totals.
  • Clear Landmines - Find out how to "adopt a minefield" or what other little ways you can make a difference in helping rid the world of landmines.
  • Digital Charity - A donations portal. Find a cause you want to support and do your best!
  • Free Donations Portal - A directory of sites which have a free "click to donate" section. Make a difference!
  • Stop the Hunger - "We're really hoping that the power of collective clicking will make a difference in the lives of the hungry and needy in America."

  • Hungersite etc - Donate food for free by clicking on the button. You can also visit the Rainforestsite, and the BreastCancersite from this site.


Please send these website addresses to others. I would encourage you to bookmark thall the above sites, and when you are next sitting at your computer and twiddling your thumbs or having a short break from your work, then just click in a few links. Please make donating a part of your daily internet life.

God bless and bless God

(Christian Intro) (Baptism) (Church)
(Help Others) (Mission) (Resources) (Testimony)

Steve is a professional juggler -
and retailer -